As usual our Mission Trip started off with a bang, this is how it all went. First of all we were under the impression that we could apply for our Visas to enter into Africa once we got there. After calling the embassy, we were encouraged to apply for it in person and have it expedited, so we can make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible since we just had a day or two, so we did.
Now the day has come for us to leave for the airport and I discovered that my cell phone was still on the charger at the home where we lodged. So now I am feeling a little bit salty, but I decided that I will survive without it; I refused to have the driver turn around to get it. As we drove halfway to the airport our mission team leader realized that she forgot her medication. So now they can bring my phone too, yay!
So we get to the airport and make it through the security check point, onward to our gate. When it was almost time for us to board the flight an announcement comes across the PA system that our flight had been delayed. Well a few minutes later the airline was encouraging those of us that had connecting flights to go to the customer service to inquire about rescheduling our flights and on we went. So we not only had to change flights, we had to change airlines.
Now we get our flights straight and are about our Father’s business and on our way, we arrive in Africa! The next day come and it’s a beautiful day in the Mother Land and we are bush bound, God we praise You!
A few hours we arrived in a village to dedicate a Church, where we praised God and listen to His word as a tap light provided the only light.
Afterwards we headed Bishop’s home where we would dwell for the week, only to discovered it had rained there and our vehicle got stuck in the mud. So my husband and I get transported the rest of the way by a motor bike and the rest of the team was transported in another car. The very next morning we head to a village called Swhelle which was very close to the Uganda border to lay a church’s corner stone, there six souls were saved.
Then later we arrived back to the village of Koromaiti to the Christian Brotherhood Headquarter Church to kick off the Abundant Life Crusade and our Brothers and Sisters there gave us the warmest greeting.
The next day the crusade gets on the way and later we conduct breakout sessions. I had to awesome opportunity to impart into the lives of the youth.
Then we came together later to share what we had learned in the sessions. While in this village, every day before 5pm we rushed back to beat the rain and every night we enjoyed a delicious meal prepared for us by a beautiful woman named Naomi.
On that Saturday we conducted a health fair which our missionary team was accompanied by 3 African doctors and nurses. There were so many people served; We did Blood Pressure and Glucose Screenings.
Sunday came and we took part in awesome worship service, there 10 people were baptized. Also, I had the opportunity to minister in dance and then we closed out the crusade there.
Monday we started our journey back toward Nakuru, but on the way we made a stop to visit Makina Primary School. The roads were in passible we had to walk about the distance of a mile to a school because it was too muddy for the van we was in to make it. But again, our God made a way!
The children were so well behaved and they had such good manners, they were so precious. There were so many children, but Praise God! We had an opportunity to distribute sanitary napkins to all the girls in 5th – 8th Grades.
Now of course the devil was mad because God was magnified and glorified during this awesome 2016 Africa Mission Trip. When we were on our way back to the city of Nakuru the van that was transporting us broke down and we had to wait on the side of the road until it was fixed. So, I decided to use it as a selfie moment. Then if that wasn’t enough the other vehicle that carried our luggage had a flat and also broke down. Our host had to travel back with a mechanic to get our luggage and the people that were in that vehicle.
But despite every obstacle, God delivered us. Now while in Nakuru we visited the construction of the MTC TAILORING SCHOOL & DESIGN STUDIO OF AFRICA is almost finished. The Doors & Windows are in, the electrical wires have been installed and walls are almost finished being painted. All we have to do next is get the sewing machines.
Our God is Awesome! Last but not least we had a short preaching service at the Christian Brotherhood Church Nakuru branch and God completed this mighty mission. We give God all the praise and glory.
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